Citation"Muchitlan, Tlaxcala, Mexico." Map. 1582.,0.021,0.849,0.406,0.
"Muchitlan, Tlaxcala, Mexico." Map. 1582.,0.021,0.849,0.406,0.
America Meridionalis
Map 1619Plan que de orden del Gobernador y Comandante General de la Plaza, y Provincia de Cartagena D. Juan Torrezán, Diaz Pimienta, Cavallero de la Rl. distinguida orn. Española de Carlos Tercero, y Brigadier de los Rls. Extos. ha formado el Capitan de Ynfantería D. Antonio dela Torre agregado en calidad de Ayudante del Batallón de Pardos de Milicias Disciplinadas de ella, del Estado, y situación en que quedan las nuebas poblaciones que ha fundado y reunido en dha. Provincia, con la maior parte deloque comprende la del Darien, y las inmediaciones de Santa Marta Antiochia, Chocó y Panamá
Map 1778BRAZIL
Map 1895A Sequel of the Seat of War in the West Indies containing… Sub-map title: A large & accurate MAP of part of the Isthmus of Panama, taken from a Spanish drought exhibiting the Country adjacent to that City and Puerto Bello, with the Roads and Course of the River CHAGRE, by which the Treasure of the South Sea is conveyed a cross the Isthmus
Map 1740A MAP of the CARACAS
Map 1818A MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA CONTAINING Tierra Firma, Guayana, New Granada, Amazonia, Brasil, Perú, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili, and Patagonia
Map 1400 - 1499Indigenous Peoples of Nicaragua: Showing traditional lands of seven currently recognized people and groups.
Map 2022